19 March 2010

6 Ways of Avoiding Morning Rush to Reach Workplace and School on Time

In order for you and the whole family to reach your workplace and school on time, you must avoid the hassle of morning rush in your daily routine. Here are some helpful ways on how to do it:  use a timer; cling on to your morning routine; refer to the weather forecast a night before; pack up things ahead; prepare meals early; and, work as a team.

Work your way through morning routines with ease and grace. Morning rush can be avoided if you learn to create and follow certain guidelines. It is a must that every member of your home should be on time for work and for school. Oftentimes, when everything is going crazy while preparing for yourself and the whole family, you tend to be late in arriving to your workplace or the school. These are things you need to do something about. Below are ways of speeding up things to make your preparation and morning routines work well.

Use a timer

If you have a kid who happens to spend so much time in doing one single thing, then it's time to create a better way of making your slowpoke catch up with your pace. Kids have this innate love for games and challenging him to beat the timer, will surely speed him up.

Cling on to your morning routine

Consistency in the morning routines is a must too. Should your child wants to dress up before taking breakfast, then let him do so daily and consistently. Breaking the usual order of morning activities can waste a lot of time. When your child follows the same pattern of routine, it would become easier on your part too since it will limit the number of times that you should give him a reminder of what's next.

Refer to the weather forecast a night before

Check on the weather forecast ahead so you can prepare necessary wardrobe for that particular weather. This will give you ample time to prepare the boots, jackets, umbrellas, and coats. Whichever is appropriate for the next day.

Pack up things ahead

Assign a specific spot where kids can place their school bags, shoes, and other school stuff in preparation for the next day. Homework, projects, and other things needed for school the following day should be all set and placed in the school bags ahead. This will prevent you and your kids of spending so much time in the morning gathering all these items.

Prepare meals early

Meals and snacks that can be prepared ahead should be ready the night before. Sandwiches can be prepared ahead. Canned or bottled juices can be placed in lunch bags the night before too.

Work as a team

Being on time for work and school should be emphasized as a goal for the whole family. This will encourage everyone to exercise punctuality as a team.

It is also helpful to refer to a time management e-book to learn more techniques in creating a relaxed atmosphere while preparing everyone in your home for the office or for school.

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