28 July 2009

Good Merchant Account Provider Offering Paperless Chargeback

Planet Payment or iPay is a merchant account provider offering paperless chargeback.

Many merchant account providers are making use of different marketing strategies to gain more and more clients. Among them is improving the services they are offering.  Many account holders and providers know that chargebacks are messy, with all the paperwork and documents involved and maintained in the process, and it is highly at risk too for frauds for both parties. That is why account providers nowadays are offering paperless chargebacks, something all merchants would like to benefit from their merchant accounts because this new system is less risky, fast, easy, convenient and clean.

If you are looking for account providers offering paperless chargebacks, you might want to take a look on the merchant account provider below.

Planet Payment or iPay

Like any other merchant account provider, Planet Payment helps merchants with their businesses by offering a merchant account that can accept credit cards globally. With the innovative solution provided, merchants can now do their business efficiently and conveniently, attract more customers, and boost their sales while still keeping certain information like those coming from their transactions in private and safe from frauds.

One of their key features is their loss prevention services which greatly deal with chargeback management, cardholder customer services, and fraud and risk management – areas where almost all of clients’ concerns are focused on.

Aside from iPay’s merchant service offerings, they also provide loss prevention services which is best intended for each merchant’s needs. Their loss prevention services include chargeback management, customer service for online cardholders, and fraud and risk management. The three services are for merchants’ maximum protection against e-commerce financial problems like chargebacks and fraud.

iPay also claims to be the only processor offering a comprehensive paperless chargeback system and proactive chargeback arrangements and organized document storage. They participate fully with merchants to deal with doubtful charges by allowing their clients to have immediate access to their well-maintained staff of highly-trained analysts who are willing to answer questions and help find the right solutions for any chargeback problems. Included in their system are tools that help merchants to comprehend, judge, fix and always keep track of any chargeback activities, and reduce their cost whenever chargebacks do occur like the Address Verification Service (AVS), CW, and CW2.

Merchants are becoming more aware of the importance of a merchant account to their business. Most of them are likely attracted because of the tons of benefits it brings to their customers and for the business owners themselves. With a lot of growing merchant account providers in the industry, merchants are also now making use of their intuition to choose the best merchant account there is that is suitable for their business and in which they can gain more out of it.

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