20 April 2009

Avoid Frizzy Hair Ends in 7 Helpful Ways

To keep your hair from having frizzy ends, you can apply hair moisturizers, turn your frizzy hair to curls with mousse or curl-defining products, apply deep conditioner to your hair every week, dry your hair by patting, refrain from washing your hair daily, do not use heat styling devices, and frequently have your hair tips trimmed.

Different factors cause the problem of frizzy hair. Some of the few causes behind frizzy hair tips are humidity and damage from heat styling products. Learn to take care of your hair properly by nourishing it with hair argan oil and consider the following tips to solve frizzy hair ends:

Apply hair moisturizers

Rough and dry hair tends to have frizzy tips. The best way to address this issue is to use moisturizing hair products. Use moisturizing shampoo and conditioner when washing your hair. You can also spray or slather a light leave-on conditioner on your hair when you notice it becoming dry. In applying leave-on conditioner, use your fingers to rub it on your hair.

Make a curly hair out from your frizzy locks with mousse or curl-defining products

If you want curls out of your frizzy hair, you can use products like mouse or a curl-defining cream. These items are available at drugstores. With a diffuser attachment, blow-dry your hair on a medium-cool setting. To set the curls, quickly spray a light hairspray.

Deep condition your hair weekly

Make it a point to deep condition your hair at least once every week. After applying the deep conditioner on your hair, let it sit for about 30 minutes. Oil-based products can contribute to frizz so make sure that you use cream as a deep conditioner. If you regularly apply chemical products and styling treatments on your hair, it is essentially important to use deep conditioners.

Pat your hair dry

Dry your hair after showering by gently patting it with a soft towel. Rough and dry hair is a result of rubbing it, so just gently pat it to dry. Using a soft towel, you can also squeeze out the excess water.

Daily washing of your hair is not advisable

The hair’s natural moisture and oils can be stripped off when you wash your hair often. It is more advisable to wash your hair only when necessary if you have frizzy hair and choose a shampoo that does not contain any harsh chemicals and is sulfate-free. Furthermore, never use hot water in washing your hair as it can cause the hair to be drier; use lukewarm water instead.

Don't use heated appliances on your hair

Frizzy hair is usually the result of using heat styling devices such as flat and curling irons. It is advisable to refrain from using heat styling devices until your hair becomes healthy again. Additionally, when using these heat styling devices, make sure to apply heat protectant.

Habitually trim your hair tips

Make a habit of regularly trimming the tips of your hair. Annually trim your hair at least four times. Additionally, when you cut your hair, do not use razor because they can cause split ends.

The first steps to getting the hair you have always wanted is by learning the proper hair care tips and the right products to use.

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