29 September 2008

3 Essential Advantages and Disadvantages You Should Understand About Health Insurance

Some of the essential advantages of health insurance are that it provides preventive opportunities, a sense of security and better access to medical services. On the other hand, its disadvantages include being costly, having varying coverage and offering limited choices.

Health insurance is starting to become a necessity and, with medical bills surging, it is a tempting option in today’s times. Efforts in health care reform further prove that health insurance is being tailored in a way that more people can have access and afford it. Health Insurance Leads also allow insurance groups to better reach out to potential customers. However, there are still people who are hesitant to get themselves insured. It is important to understand the advantages and disadvantages that this type of insurance product has to offer. Here are some of them:


Provides preventive opportunities

Health insurance will allow you to make regular visits to medical facilities. This is a useful contingency measure for detecting diseases at an early stage and, subsequently, allow you to follow recommendations from your doctor. Financially, this will save you from having to pay higher medical expenses for a condition that worsened because it was not treated earlier. You will also be able to make the lifestyle changes necessary to improve your health. People who are not insured might end up suffering from a disease that they could have prevented through earlier detection.

Provides a sense of security

Health insurance can be regarded as your savings to be used for future health needs and medical emergencies. You might feel more secure knowing you have finances ready to answer any medical problems you are going through or may encounter in the future. You will have the benefit of not having to worry about where to get the money for necessary medical treatments.

Provides better access to medical services

People who are insured can receive the appropriate treatments and healthcare for even small illnesses. This better access will be convenient and save them from the trouble of missing work or school for a more extended period of time.



All the tangible and intangible benefits that health insurance has to offer do not come cheap. This is also one of the main reasons why people are hesitant to buy health insurance. In the long run, getting insured could save you a considerable amount of money, but you are required to pay monthly premiums in order to avail yourself of the benefits. Furthermore, premiums could be taxing depending on your financial situation.

Varying coverage

Another important disadvantage is that the higher cost of premiums does not necessarily mean better coverage. In fact, many insurance companies are cutting down on their coverage options and limiting the services they provide to their consumers.

Limited choices

Typically insurance companies have a prescribed list of doctors and hospitals. This makes it impossible for patients to choose which specialists or medical facilities they want to go to. There are some policies that offer a wider range of options but, generally, consumers are not given complete discretion in making this choice.

In the end, buying health insurance is a personal choice and depends largely on the consumer’s preference, financial capacity and need.

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