01 August 2008

3 Common Stages and Symptoms of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease symptoms are usually evident in three stages. The first  stage occurs within the first to four weeks of the tick bite. The second  stage begins on the second month after exposure and goes through the  fourth month. The final stage is considered late undetected and  persistent Lyme disease. While others show no signs of Lyme disease  during the early stages, common symptoms that develop throughout the  infection include red rash, flu-like symptoms, numbness in arms and  legs, paralysis of face, poor memory, heart problems, inflammation of  joints, fatigue, and chronic arthritis.

Lyme disease can lead to long-term disabilities and other serious  complications when not detected and treated during the early stages. It  is very important that you are able to detect Lyme disease as early as  possible to avoid these complications. Here are the symptoms of Lyme  disease, according to stages:

One to four weeks from tick bite

Within the first four weeks after being bitten by an infected tick,  Lyme symptoms usually include a red rash called erythema  migrans which typically appears on the spot of the bite. The rash may  also get larger over time. In some cases, no rashes will appear but  flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, muscle and joint  pains, and swollen lymph nodes show up. You may also have both rashes  and flu-like symptoms, or maybe no symptoms at all, which is also quite  common for many infected individuals.

Two to four months after the bite

After a month has passed up to four months after the tick bite and  the disease remains unrecognized or untreated, the infection may affect  your joints, your skin, your nervous system, and even your heart. This  time, more rashes may appear on the different parts of your body. You  will get unusually tired, feel numbness and pain in arms and legs, have  more headaches, faint, and experience facial nerve paralysis or severe  heart problems. Other cases also show poor concentration and poor memory  retention. There are others who palpitate and develop pink eye, also  known as conjunctivitis.

Late undetected and persistent

When treatment is not properly implemented or infection is not sought  after more months, Lyme disease on its later stage, may harm your  nerves, joints, and brain. Usually, the same symptoms are apparent as  the previous stage and include numbness and pain in arms and legs,  facial nerve paralysis, and poor memory retention. However, with the  prolonged infection of Lyme disease in your body, more neurological  complications are also observed, such as moodiness, sleepiness, and  problems with speach. You may experience inflammation of joints and  sever fatigue. Persistent Lyme disease can also cause chronic Lyme  arthritis, which is characterized by swelling, redness, and pain in  joints that is said to last up to six months at a time.

It is always best to prevent getting infected with Lyme disease, but  if it is already in your body, the best thing you can do is to stop  making it worse. Always be wary of its symptoms and immediately contact  or visit your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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