11 July 2008

4 Fun Silent Auction Ideas for Kids

Some of the silent auction ideas for kids that you can try are to organize an art-themed auction, auction movie night-themed baskets, auction baskets filled with games and toys, or auction various gift certificates.

Silent auctions are a great idea for raising funds. It is a variation on the traditional auction, as the name suggests, in which bidding is not made in public or facilitated loudly by an auctioneer. The auctioned items are typically set up for guests to view at their leisure. A starting bid is indicated for each of the auctioned items. Interested bidders then write their bids on paper and submit them. Bidders have to wait and see if they won the item or if someone else outbid them. Organizing a silent auction for kids can be twice as fun as preparing an ordinary auction. Here are some fun Silent Auction Ideas you can try:

Organize an art-themed auction

Try organizing a silent auction with art as the main theme. Gather baskets and fill them with various art supplies that kids can use for their craft projects and art classes. Make each basket unique with different sets of supplies. For instance, one basket might be made up of art materials and goodies especially for preschoolers including items like modeling clay, finger paints, stickers and coloring books. Another basket might contain art and craft materials that older children can use like acrylic paints, canvas frames, scrapbooks and paintbrushes. To make the auction more creative, decorate the venue like an art gallery with displays of paintings, drawings, crafts and other artwork made by kids.

Auction movie night-themed baskets

Kids of all ages love movies. Draw inspiration for your auction from this idea by creating baskets filled with movie-night goodies. Items you can include in baskets may range from gift certificates for the local video rental store to movie posters and boxes of microwaveable popcorn, candies and other snacks. If the auction is targeted for older children, you can opt for tickets to the movie theater. Add in a gift certificate to a local fast food chain or snack bar where the kids can go before or after they watch the movie.

Auction baskets filled with games and toys

Games and toys are an instant hit among children. You can auction off baskets filled with a wide variety of children’s games and toys. You can have a gender-specific basket such as one filled with model cars, puzzles, superhero action figures for little boys and another one filled with wands, crowns and dress-up clothes for little girls. You could also go for a basket filled with group games like Monopoly or Scrabble.

Auction various gift certificates

Services also have their own place in silent auctions. You can ask local businesses and service providers to sponsor the auction with gift certificates to their shops and services. You can request babysitters you know to offer gift certificates for their services. This way, parents can also become interested in the auction. Gift certificates to toy shops, theme parks and kid-friendly restaurants can also be interesting auction items.

Always remember to add a fun twist to the silent auction you are organizing to make it more appealing to kids. Your imagination is the only limit on all the fun things you can do in this type of activity.

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