08 July 2008

4 Essential Tips to Improve Your Teenager’s Grades and Discipline

To improve your teenager’s grades and discipline, you should establish a strong relationship with your teenager, explain the importance of academic performance and discipline, understand your teenager’s learning style, and build your teenager’s self-confidence.

Parents can rely on the help provided by educational institutions to ensure that their children become educated and disciplined individuals. Educational facilities like military schools offer more specialized training in their curriculum and programs. They also employ stricter standards on the performance of their students. But, regardless of whether your teenager is in a military School or a standard educational institution, you want him or her to earn good grades and be disciplined. Here are some tips that can help you:

Establish a strong relationship with your teenager

Teenagers are in a phase of life in which they are trying to discover and establish their identities. In this developmental phase they are most likely to value and prioritize their friends over their parents or family members. Despite this, parents should make extra efforts to build a strong bond with their teens. You can accomplish this through simple acts like setting aside quality time for your child. This bond, consequently, will be the means for channeling your expectations of good academic performance and discipline to your teenager. At the same time, it will also encourage your children to express their struggles and concerns to you.

Explain the importance of academic performance and discipline

Sometimes, teenagers fail to see the importance of school in the first place or understand why they have to be disciplined. This might be one reason why they slack off. You can explain to your child that their time in school will serve as a good training ground for the career they choose in the future. Something as basic and as simple as helping your child see the bigger picture could motivate them to improve their performance in school.

Understand your teenager’s learning style

There are a variety of learning styles that people use to comprehend the world around them. Some people learn better through their listening skills, some by reading, and others through graphic and visual presentations and so on. Your teenager may learn his or her lessons better if they study using the style that they are comfortable with. You can help your child determine his or her learning style by observing his study habits. You can also discover this together by trying different studying activities.

Build your teenager’s self-confidence

Your teenager is in a transition phase where he or she has probably become quite sensitive about how others perceive him or her. That said, you should be the first person to let your teenager know that they are accepted and loved. Acceptance and love are just two key elements that will help build your child’s confidence. Motivate your child to excel and do well in school, and whether they succeed or fail, let them know they are accepted and loved. When you build your child’s confidence you are showing them that you trust in their capabilities and potential. and they, in turn, may try to meet your expectations. On the other hand, children who have low self-confidence can easily feel unmotivated and may become rebellious and undisciplined.

Improving your teenager’s grades and discipline requires both you and your child’s effort and time.

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