18 May 2008

5 Smart Ways to Enjoy Music While Swimming

To enjoy music while swimming, get your music player a waterproof case, purchase an underwater MP3 player, use bone conduction earphones or music players, use waterproof speakers in your pool, and install an underwater sound system for your swimming pool.

Music and water need not clash when it comes to relaxation and fun. To let you enjoy music while swimming and without breaking your music player, consider the following tips:

Get your music player a waterproof case

You need not get yourself a new gadget if you want to listen to music while swimming. You can make use of your current music player and get it a waterproof case. You will find many waterproof ipod cases, Zune cases, and other waterproof MP3 cases on the market today and you can pair one with waterproof earphones to complete your gear.

Purchase an underwater MP3 player

If you are not comfortable putting a waterproof case on your music player, you may purchase an MP3 that is intended for underwater use. With these music players, you don't have to worry about accidents or leaks in your waterproof case that might cause your MP3 player to break.

Use bone conduction earphones or music players

Waterproof earphones may not produce the best quality of music underwater and may not give you the best comfort while swimming. With standard earphones, sound is transmitted through airwaves, which may be disrupted underwater. To experience better sound quality while swimming, get bone conduction headphones or music players. You need goggles for these headphones to work, though. They are attached to your facial bone, instead of to your ears, by clipping on to both sides of your goggles. The earphones conduct vibrations through your bone to your inner ear, not through your ear canal. You may choose to purchase bone conduction headphones alone that can be attached to your MP3 player with waterproof casing or you can buy a waterproof music player with bone conduction headphones included.

Use waterproof wireless speakers in your pool

This option is ideal if you do not want anything on your ears or on your face. This is also great for group swimming so everyone can enjoy listening to music while swimming. Waterproof wireless speakers are available today that are compatible with iPod, Zune, and other MP3 players. These wireless speakers work using a transmitter that broadcasts music from your MP3 player to your speaker. Not only will everyone enjoy the great music in the pool, but your MP3 player will also be kept safe and dry away from the water.

Install an underwater sound system for your swimming pool

If you are really fond of listening to music while relaxing in and around your own pool, you may install a sound system with a centralized music system underwater and out of the pool. Waterproof speakers are installed at the bottom of the pool, as well as in your pool area. You can continuously listen to great music while swimming and as soon as you get out of the water.

With these smart ideas, swimming is made more enjoyable and relaxing. With music that goes wherever you are, even if you are underwater, your pool time will always be fun and satisfying.

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