04 March 2007

Several Signs and Symptoms of Lyme Disease and Its Remedy

Lyme disease refers to a non-contagious disease that is a result of a tick's bite, typically a deer tick, carrying the bacteria spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. Lyme disease brings different physical, physiological, and also emotional and nerve signs or symptoms which aren't similar for many sufferers. Therapy requires particular antibiotics which are taken orally or intravenously.

Lyme diseases may cause long-term disabilities if not immediately clinically diagnosed and medicated. To help identify the disease before it starts damaging different parts of the body, the following are some physiological and psychological Lyme disease symptoms to look out for as well as some remedies you need to know:


In the earliest phase of Lyme illness, normally a week to a month after the tick bite, an allergy referred to as erythema migrans shows up at the site where the afflicted tick bit you. The allergy, commonly referred to as the bull’s-eye rash, develops and usually spreads to other regions of your body in the future and throughout the later phases of Lyme disease. In some cases, the allergy can be extremely faint or does not appear at all, making the condition more difficult to diagnose instantly.


If you're contaminated with Lyme ailment, you may also start to feel flu-like indications during the early stage of the disease. Signs or symptoms involve fatigue, chills, fever, headache, cwolen lympnodes, stiff neck, and muscle and joint aches. It's common to have both the rash and also the flu-like symptoms at the same time, that makes it simpler for physicians to detect Lyme illness and treat it quickly. There are, however, still certain cases where no signs or symptoms appear at all throughout the initial phase of the illness.

Within the later stages of Lyme condition, if you stay undiagnosed, untreated, or when treatment solutions are not completely effective, your system might feel more fatigued. Extreme headaches and also migraines might develop, together with cramps, fainting, difficulty in breathing, and sensitivity to tones. You may start to feel numb and experience more pain in joints, legs, and arms. In severe Lyme disease, you may even develop chronic arthritis. Oftentimes, Lyme disease creates more intricate signs or symptoms, including digestive and heart disease.

Emotional and neurological

When Lyme disease stays untreated or not adequately handled, mental and nerve signs or symptoms also begin to appear. Lyme disease can affect your nervous system and your brain, leading to poor concentration, poor memory retention, disorientation, confusion, and also problems with verbal fluency. You can also experience increased moodiness, depression, and fear.


If you think you have the symptoms of Lyme disease, talk to your medical professional instantly for examination. Once identified, you'll be medicated with antibiotics taken orally, including doxycycline, tetracycline, and phenoxymethyl penicillin. For pregnant or nursing women and children, recommended antibiotics include amoxicillin and cefuroxime because they were identified to have no adverse reactions on kids and the fetus. Other medical professionals also prescribe a combination of prescription antibiotics for much better effect. If Lyme illness is diagnosed at a later phase where symptoms have progressed and risks have developed, intravenous antibiotics are used for fourteen to 28 days. Penicillin and ceftiaxone are common anti-biotics utilized to heal Lyme ailment.

Understanding the signs and symptoms of and therapy for Lyme ailment can help you know how Lyme illness can progress into a truly dreadful ailment if not detected and remedied right away. With this helpful information, you will be able to detect Lyme disease as soon as possible and help avoid its complications.

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