11 October 2006

Four Worrying Cardiac Signs and Symptoms of Lyme Ailment

Several of the cardiac signs and symptoms of Lyme disease include heart failure, inflammation of heart, heart blocks, and irregular heart rate.

Lyme disease is actually a health problem that could be transferred to humans through the bite of an infected tick. The bacteria described as Borrelia burgdorferi is the culprit behind this illness. Lyme disease can lead to serious and long-term health issues if left untreated. Lyme disease can have an affect on a person’s joints, nervous system and even the heart. One great approach to prevent the health dangers and issues caused by Lyme disease is to learn how to determine the different Lyme symptoms. One of the common signs that patients must be on the lookout for is the distinctive bull’s-eye rash that appears in the bitten area. Listed below are some other cardiac signs of Lyme disease:

Irregular heartrate

An abnormal heartrate is one of the well known cardiac signs and symptoms of Lyme disease. Palpitations are a basic manifestation of an abnormal heartbeat. The patient usually feels that his/her heart is beating intensely. Palpitations can be observed in the chest, neck and throat. On the other hand, the affected person may also observed a slowed heart rhythm. In fact, there are also occasions when the heartrate gets very slow that the affected person experiences dizziness or fainting. Professionals from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health report that abnormal heart rhythms may appear after contamination and it may also happen in the later stages of the ailment.

Inflammation of the heart

Approximately 8 percent or less of people with Lyme ailment that is untreated may suffer from heart inflammation. This condition is very dangerous and could lead to problems in the conduction of electrical impulses in our heart. According to the Kansas Medical Clinic, Lyme affected individuals could suffer from a condition called myocarditis wherein the heart muscle gets inflamed. There are also some occasions where the sufferer is in danger of developing pericarditis, that occurs when the surrounding heart membrane is inflamed.

Heart blocks

When the inflammation of heart affects the conduction of electrical impulses in the heart, heart blockages or atrioventricular block can take place. Heart block is recognized by a slowed down heart beat, fainting and lightheadedness. However, there are cases where there are no symptoms present. Lyme sufferers who suffer from heart blocks do not have to lose hope as the United States National Library of Medicine say that the heart blockages are still reversible. Typical therapies for this condition include antibiotics and temporary pacing. If these types of treatment options successfully solve the blockage, the heart often experiences complete recovery.

Coronary heart failure

There are various alarming effects that might occur if Lyme disease isn't medicated right away. An additional heart-related issue that can occur is coronary heart failure. When congestive heart failure takes place, the heart can't pump enough blood to the body. This would lead to swelling of the ankles and legs and signs or symptoms like shortness of breath. In some instances, the injury that occurs to the heart is very serious that a heart transplant may be inevitable.

You should seek immediate care from a specialist if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above and suspect that you were exposed in an area known to be inhabited by deer ticks.

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